Metals Good For Skin: Copper, Gold and Silver.

Nourish Mantra

Hi guys, here we are with another unique aspect of natural skin care - METALS.

Did you know that all the metals we are surrounded by, affect our skin in some or the other way? Metals like copper, silver and gold reap some fantastic benefits for our skin and overall health. Since ages, these metals have been used by medical professionals and civilians for health treatments and natural skin care . 


Copper is the first-ever metal we discovered on Earth! And wait for it… that was 11,000 years ago! Copper is a metal which is naturally present in the human body and is vital to our health. Plus, it’s a wonderful natural skin care element.

  • It maintains a healthy metabolism and skeletal structure.
  • Aids in healthy functioning of the brain and nervous system.
  • Enhances growth and development of children.
  • Provides energy.
  • May help to calm Arthritis pain and stiffness.
  • Balances Thyroid activity.
  • Helps to develop red blood cells, preventing anemia and iron deficiency.

Copper for Skin and Hair

  • We need adequate copper content to maintain the natural pigment and texture of our skin, hair and eyes. This is because Copper helps to develop melanin, the pigment that gives color to our skin, hair and eyes.
  • Copper aids in maintaining our skin’s age and elasticity, by helping in the production of collagen and elastin. These substances are responsible for our skin’s youthful appearance and flexibility. Copper is hence an amazing addition to our natural skin care rituals.
  • Copper also saves our hair from turning gray. Copper deficiency may even lead to gray hair and in some cases, hair loss.

How to consume Copper?

  • Vegetarian sources: Almond, Cashew nut, Hazelnut, Sunflower seed, Chickpeas, Spinach, Lentil, Avocado, Mushroom, Sundried Tomato. 
  • Non-vegetarian sources: Salmon and Tuna fish, Oysters, Crab and Lobster. 
  • Utensils: Ancient Indians already knew all about it and hence we have Tamba Jal as a tradition. This tradition of storing water in a copper vessel has a scientific reason. The water absorbs the copper ions. When we drink copper water, it helps a lot to boost our natural skin care efforts and also for the overall health of our body and mind. You can drink upto 2 cups or 1 glass of copper water per day, but not more than that. 


There is a reason why Gold has been a precious metal since ages and it’s used as a symbol of luxury, purity, beauty and power across the world. This is because, apart from being rare, Gold has a warm energy and soothing vibrations that aid in improving our body’s health. It is also used to prepare medicines and dental fixes. 

Gold For Skin

Gold helps to increase the elasticity of our skin, thus reducing wrinkles, blemishes, and dark spots. Gold also aids in fighting acne, inflammations and sun damage. It has positively charged ions and contains warm energy and soothing vibrations. It is a nice addition to your natural skin care routine.

How to consume Gold?

  • Gold Ash: In Ayurveda, pure Gold along with other herbs, is used to cook a medicinal preparation called Swarna Bhasma (Gold Ash), which has a wide range of health benefits and healing properties.
  • Gold charged water: You can buy or prepare gold charged water on your own.
  • Gold jewellery: It helps to regulate body temperature and aid in soothing hot flashes. Wearing Gold aids in optimum distribution of oxygen to our body’s cells, which increases our energy levels.


With powerful antimicrobial properties, wearing silver jewellery enhances our natural skin care routine and helps you spot any health issues. Many people use silver for home diagnosis. For example, specialists explain that, if you have a problem with your endocrine system, your pure silver ring may darken. If your sodium level is high, your silver item may turn bluish. Amazing, right? All of this happens due to scientific reactions between silver ions and other substances present in our body. In ancient times, silver has even been used to treat cold, flu and body injuries. And for a long time, the medical world used surgical tools made from silver.

Silver for skin

Silver is good to treat pimples and skin wounds. It is a good anti-aging element which helps in skin’s collagen production to keep it young. You can add silver to boost your natural skin care routine.

How to consume silver?

  • Wearing pure silver Jewellery.
  • Natural skin care products infused with silver.
  • Eating food in silverware.

Zinc, copper and magnesium are also among the good ones. But before adding any new element in your natural skin care routine, ensure that you are not allergic to it. Some of us are even allergic to milk, so do not skip the patch test. The most easy and common practice across Indian culture is to drink water stored in a copper vessel, first thing in the morning. It’s one of the simplest natural healthy habits.