How & When To Apply Sunscreen On Face? A Complete Guide

Nourish Mantra

Are you tired of battling the sun's harmful rays without a clear strategy? Sunscreen is the knight in shining armor your skin needs! In this comprehensive guide, we'll navigate through the perplexities of sunscreen application, addressing the "how" and "when" to ensure your skin is always protected. From debunking myths to selecting the perfect sunscreen, consider this your ultimate sunscreen handbook.

When To Apply Sunscreen?

To ensure maximum protection against the sun's harmful rays, it is essential to apply sunscreen at the right times. Here are some occasions when you should consider using sunscreen:

1. Everyday Use: Regardless of the weather, applying sunscreen should be a part of your daily skincare routine. The sun's rays can penetrate through clouds and even on gloomy days, causing damage to your skin.

2. Outdoor Activities: Whether you're going for a picnic, hiking, or playing sports under the sun, applying sunscreen before stepping outside is crucial. Make sure to reapply every two hours, especially if you're sweating or swimming.

3. Office Bound: Yes, indoor activities count too! UV rays penetrate windows, so if you spend extended hours indoors, a morning application suffices.

4. Beach Days: When heading to the beach, remember to generously apply sunscreen at least 30 minutes before sun exposure. Make sure to reapply every two hours and after swimming, as water can wash off sunscreen.

How To Apply Sunscreen While Following a Skincare routine?

To incorporate sunscreen effectively into your daily skincare routine, follow these simple steps:

1. Cleansing

Start by cleansing your face with a gentle cleanser to remove dirt, oil, and impurities.

2. Toning

Apply a toner to balance the skin's pH levels and prepare it for better absorption of sunscreen.

3. Moisturizing

After toning, apply your regular face moisturizer to hydrate and nourish your skin.

4. Sunscreen

The final step is to apply sunscreen as a protective layer over your moisturizer, ensuring your skin stays safe from the sun's damaging effects.

How to Apply Sunscreen on Your Face?

After following the above mentioned steps, you have to follow the following steps:

1. Choose the Right Sunscreen

Select a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30. Ensure that it is suitable for your skin type, whether it's oily, dry, sensitive, or acne-prone.

2. Apply the Right Amount

Dispense the recommended amount of sunscreen, typically a nickel-sized dollop, onto your fingertips. This ensures adequate coverage for your face.

3. Dotting Technique

Dot the sunscreen evenly across your face, concentrating on areas like the forehead, nose, cheeks, and chin. This method helps distribute the product for uniform coverage.

4. Gentle Spreading

Using gentle, upward strokes, spread the sunscreen evenly over your face and neck. Pay extra attention to areas that are often exposed to the sun.

5. Blend into Hairline and Jawline

Extend the application to your hairline and jawline to avoid leaving unprotected areas. Don't forget the ears, as they are often overlooked but prone to sun exposure.

6. Apply to Sensitive Areas

Apply sunscreen to sensitive areas like the eyelids and around the eyes. Consider using a sunscreen specifically designed for the face to prevent irritation.

7. Reapply as Needed

Reapply sunscreen every two hours or more frequently if you're sweating or swimming. If you're wearing makeup, consider using a setting spray with SPF for touch-ups.

8. Include Lips

Use a lip balm or lipstick with SPF to protect your lips from sun damage. Lips are often overlooked but are susceptible to sunburn.

9. Sunscreen Under Makeup

If you wear makeup, apply sunscreen before applying foundation or other products. Allow the sunscreen to absorb for a few minutes before proceeding with your makeup routine.

Reasons to Apply Sunscreen

1. UV Protection:

Sunscreen forms a barrier against harmful UVA and UVB rays, preventing sunburn and long-term skin damage.

2. Prevents Premature Aging:

By shielding the skin from UV radiation, sunscreen reduces the risk of wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots, contributing to a youthful appearance.

3. Skin Cancer Prevention:

Regular use of sunscreen is a proactive measure against skin cancers, as it acts as a crucial defense against the harmful effects of UV radiation.

4. Maintains Skin Tone:

Sunscreen plays a pivotal role in preventing hyperpigmentation and maintaining an even skin tone, contributing to a radiant complexion.

What are Some of the Common Spots People Miss while Applying Sunscreen?

Don't overlook certain areas commonly missed during application:

  • Eyelids: Easily forgotten but vulnerable to sun exposure.
  • Ears: Particularly the tops and behind the ears.
  • Lips: Use a lip balm with SPF for complete protection.
  • Back of the Neck: Often neglected but prone to sunburn.
  • Hands & feet: Spread a dime-size blob over both the areas whenever you are out in the sun.

Does Sunscreen Dry Out Skin?

Contrary to popular belief, sunscreen does not necessarily dry out the skin. However, some sunscreens with high alcohol content may cause dryness in individuals with pre-existing dry skin conditions. Look for hydrating formulas and moisturize your skin adequately to combat any potential dryness.

What are Some of the Biggest Sunscreen Myths?

Misinformation about sunscreen abounds, clouding the judgment of even the most well-intentioned sun seekers. Let's debunk some of the most persistent myths:

Myth1 : "I Only Need Sunscreen on Sunny Days."

Fact: UV rays are present even on cloudy days. Sunscreen is a daily necessity to safeguard against potential harm.

Myth2 : "Dark Skin Doesn't Need Sunscreen."

Fact: Regardless of skin tone, everyone is susceptible to UV damage. Darker skin tones may have a higher natural SPF, but protection is still crucial.

Myth3: "I Don't Need Sunscreen If I'm Wearing Makeup with SPF."

Fact: While makeup with SPF provides some protection, it's usually not enough. Layering sunscreen underneath ensures comprehensive coverage.

Myth4: "I Only Need to Apply Sunscreen Once a Day."

Fact: Sunscreen effectiveness diminishes over time. Reapply every two hours, or more frequently if sweating or swimming.

Myth5: "Higher SPF Offers All-Day Protection."

Fact: High SPF provides longer protection, but it doesn't mean all-day coverage. Regular reapplication is key for consistent protection.

Myth6: "Sunscreen Is Only for the Face."

Fact: Sunscreen should be applied to all exposed skin, including neck, ears, hands, and any other exposed areas.

Myth7: "Sunscreen Is Only Necessary at the Beach."

Fact: UV exposure happens during everyday activities. Sunscreen is essential whether you're at the beach, in the office, or running errands.

Myth8: "Sunscreen Prevents Vitamin D Absorption."

Fact: Sunscreen does reduce Vitamin D synthesis, but the impact is minimal. Adequate Vitamin D can be obtained through diet and supplements.

Myth9: "I Can Skip Sunscreen on Already Tan Skin."

Fact: A tan is a sign of skin damage. Sunscreen is crucial to prevent further harm and protect against long-term effects.

Myth10: "Sunscreen Is Only for Summer Months."

Fact: UV rays are present year-round. Sunscreen is a must in all seasons to maintain consistent protection

Choosing the Best Sunscreen

While there is a wide variety of sunscreens available, it is crucial to choose one that suits your specific needs. Consider your skin type, sensitivity, and the level of protection you require. One exceptional option is Ray Rescue Sunscreen.

Ray Rescue Sunscreen with SPF 50

Ray Rescue Sunscreen

Experience the epitome of sun protection and skincare with Ray Rescue Sunscreen. Boasting SPF 50 Sunscreen, this innovative formula, enriched with Hyaluronic acid, Aquaxyl, Ashwagandha, and Aloe Vera Extracts, offers superior defense against UV rays and environmental stressors. Lightweight and non-greasy, it ensures a silky-smooth, residue-free application. Our Sunscreen is chemical based with prominent filters like Uvinal A+, Octisalate and Homosalate. This is an essential skincare product in your daily skin pampering routine.


In conclusion, protecting your skin from the sun's harmful rays should be a crucial aspect of your skincare routine. By understanding how and when to apply sunscreen correctly, you can ensure that your skin remains healthy, youthful, and safeguarded against the damaging effects of sun exposure. So, embrace the power of sunscreen and enjoy the sun responsibly! Remember, prevention is always better than cure when it comes to your skin's health and well-being. So, make sunscreen an integral part of your daily routine and take advantage of the benefits it offers. That way, you can step out into the sun with confidence, knowing that your skin is protected and cared for.


1. Is it okay to use sunscreen along with makeup?

Yes, it's perfectly fine to use sunscreen with makeup. In fact, it is encouraged as it provides an additional layer of protection against harmful UV rays.

2. What is the recommended amount of sunscreen to apply on the face?

The general recommendation is to apply about a nickel-sized amount of sunscreen on your face. This ensures adequate coverage for effective protection.

3. Should sunscreen be applied on indoor days or when it's cloudy outside?

Yes, sunscreen is essential even on cloudy or indoor days. UV rays can penetrate clouds and windows, causing potential skin damage.

4. Is sunscreen essential during the winter months?

Absolutely. UV rays are present throughout the year, even during winter. It's crucial to apply sunscreen to protect your skin from sun damage.

5. How do you select sunscreen suitable for sensitive skin?

Look for sunscreens labeled as "hypoallergenic" or "designed for sensitive skin." Choose products with physical blockers like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, as they are less likely to cause irritation.

6. For individuals with darker skin tones, is sunscreen still necessary?

Yes, sunscreen is necessary for all skin tones. While individuals with darker skin have more natural protection, they are still at risk of sun damage and skin cancer. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30.

7. If my makeup already contains SPF, is additional sunscreen necessary?

Additional sunscreen is recommended. Makeup may not provide sufficient coverage, and most people do not apply enough makeup to achieve the stated SPF level.

8. Are sunscreens designed for children different from those formulated for adults?

Children's sunscreens are often formulated to be gentler on sensitive skin and may be fragrance-free. However, adults can use them as well. The key is to choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30.

9. How can one choose the right sunscreen based on their specific skin type?

Individuals with oily skin may prefer gel-based sunscreens, while those with dry skin may opt for creams. For acne-prone skin, non-comedogenic formulas are recommended. Always choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF appropriate for your skin type.

10. What are the various types of sunscreen available, and what purposes do they serve?

Sunscreens come in chemical and physical (mineral) forms. Chemical sunscreens absorb UV rays, while physical sunscreens create a barrier by reflecting or scattering the rays. Both types are effective; choose based on personal preference and skin sensitivity.

11. What role do sunscreens play in combating the signs of aging?

Sunscreen helps prevent premature aging by protecting the skin from UV radiation, which can lead to wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots. Regular use is crucial for maintaining youthful and healthy skin.

12. Is it safe to rely on sun exposure for obtaining vitamin D?

While sunlight is a source of vitamin D, prolonged sun exposure poses risks like skin cancer. It's recommended to obtain vitamin D through a balanced diet and supplements rather than relying solely on the sun.

13. Is sunscreen necessary for protection against screen-related skin damage?

Yes, sunscreen is essential for protection against the harmful effects of screen-emitted blue light and infrared radiation. It helps prevent potential skin damage associated with prolonged screen exposure.

14. How can one select the most suitable sunscreens based on their climate?

In hot and humid climates, opt for water-resistant and sweat-resistant formulas. In drier climates, choose moisturizing sunscreens. Regardless of climate, always select a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30.

15. Is the 15-minute wait time after applying sunscreen really necessary?

While waiting 15 minutes allows the sunscreen to bind to the skin, it's not mandatory. Applying sunscreen right before sun exposure still provides protection, but reapplication every two hours is crucial for effectiveness.

16. Can you still achieve a tan while using sunscreen?

Sunscreen significantly reduces the risk of sunburn and skin damage, but it doesn't eliminate the possibility of tanning. However, it's important to prioritize skin health and use sunscreen to prevent harmful effects.

17. Does sunscreen have an expiration date that should be strictly followed?

Yes, sunscreen expires, and it's crucial to adhere to the expiration date. Expired sunscreen may lose its effectiveness, compromising the protection it provides.

18. What sets sunblock apart from sunscreen, and how do they differ?

Sunblock and sunscreen are often used interchangeably. Sunblock typically refers to physical blockers like zinc oxide or titanium dioxide, while sunscreen encompasses both physical and chemical UV filters like Uvinal A+, Octisalate and Homosalate. Both provide UV protection but work differently.